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11mm HPLC Vial for Shimadzu Trading

11mm Amber Vial for Shimadzu Professional-Aijiren Headspace Vials

11mm Amber Vial for Shimadzu Professional-Aijiren Headspace Vials

11mm Crimp Top Autosampler Vial Features 1. Standard vials for GC and HPLC. 2. Vials have a 40% larger opening than standard opening aluminum seal vials. 3. Vials are manufactured of Clear or Amber borosilicate glass. 4. The standard 12x32mm profile is 5.

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chromatography vial inserts 11mm HPLC crimp vials for

chromatography vial inserts 11mm HPLC crimp vials for

Shimadzu hplc vial inserts suit for screw top vials - Chromatograhy HPLC Vials Micro-Inserts, hplc vial inserts, insert vial1-4mL Autosampler Vials 11mm Crimp Ring Vial ND11 4mL 13-425 Screw Neck Vial ND13 1mL Shell Vial

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11mm Amber Vial for Shimadzu Trading-Aijiren Headspace Vials

11mm Amber Vial for Shimadzu Trading-Aijiren Headspace Vials

11mm Crimp Vial, HPLC Vial, Micro Insert manufacturer / supplier in China, offering 4ml Vial 13-425 Screw Autosampler Vial V1317, Gc Plug for Shimadzu Gcs Thermolite Color Vial Tubular Bottle, 11mm Crimper for 11mm Crimp Caps Seals Ajrc11-II and so on.

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11mm Snap Ring HPLC Vial airson SHIMADZU - aijirenvials.com

11mm Snap Ring HPLC Vial airson SHIMADZU - aijirenvials.com

Snap Cap vials Tha vials farsaing-bheul furasta an lìonadh agus a ’solarachadh raon targaid nas motha airson an t-snàthad autosampler. Freagarrach airson a ’mhòr-chuid de autosamplers, faodaidh e cruth botal sampall 12x32mm a chumail, glainne glainne follaiseach borosilicate leudaichte 33 seòrsa 1 (Seòrsa A) no glainne òmar 51A ann an èideadh agus còmhnard, agus faodaidh e

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11mm crimp top vials Shimadzu- HPLC Autosampler Vials

11mm crimp top vials Shimadzu- HPLC Autosampler Vials

Vials are manufactured from amber Type 1 borosilicate glass and have graduated (0.5-1.5mL) write-on spot. Vials are tested and guaranteed to meet or exceed critical performance parameters. Ideal for use with Aijiren, Shimadzu, Beckman, Gerstel, as well as other 12x32mm vial format autosampler units

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11mm HPLC Vial for Sale SHIMADZU-Aijiren 2ml Sample Vials

11mm HPLC Vial for Sale SHIMADZU-Aijiren 2ml Sample Vials

Brand new glass gc headspace vials for gc Shimadzu. 10ml 20ml clear chromatography analytical headspace Glass Vials for gc hplc Brand new autosampler GC HPLC vials. US $12.23-$25.53 / Pack 50 Packs (Min. Order) 6 YRS . Hawach Scientific Co., Ltd. (11

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11mm Autosampler Vial for Shimadzu Trading-Aijiren Headspace

11mm Autosampler Vial for Shimadzu Trading-Aijiren Headspace

110 Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC ideas in 2021 | vials, gas 2021/04/28 · ND11 snap top autosampler vial 11.6x32mm mainly used in liquid chromatography analysis Compatible with Aijiren, Shimadzu, Waters, Varian, Thermo fisher and other brand autosampler instrument. # #chromatography #

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2ml 11mm Snap Autosampler Vial for SHIMADZU--Aijiren Vials

2ml 11mm Snap Autosampler Vial for SHIMADZU--Aijiren Vials

2ml snap autosampler vial is equipped with PP snap cap. Snap cap can be easy to take away. 2ml snap autosampler vial can be matched with various color of caps. 2ml snap autosampler vial caps bring more convenience to your inventory management. 2ml snap autosampler vial for lab chromatography analysis is also equipped with PTFE/Silicone Septa.

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11mm crimp seal vial Shimadzu-Aijiren Crimp Vials

11mm crimp seal vial Shimadzu-Aijiren Crimp Vials

1-4mL Autosampler Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC . 16mm, 25mm Test Tubes for Water Analysis . 6-20mL GC Headspace Vials 11mm crimp seal vial Shimadzu

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Shimadzu Scientific US Webstore - 11mm Crimper Hand Operated

Shimadzu Scientific US Webstore - 11mm Crimper Hand Operated

11mm Crimper Hand Operated. Easy grip crimper with a bottom-pull handle for a steady hold and improved hand comfort during use. Adjustment knob with + and - symbols allows the user to change the intensity of the crimp setting as needed, and is designed to indicate when the proper crimp setting is reached. For 11mm vials. Use with decapper REST

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11mm Snap Ring Glass Vial for SHIMADZU--Aijiren Vials for HPLC/GC

11mm Snap Ring Glass Vial for SHIMADZU--Aijiren Vials for HPLC/GC

Aijiren Vials have a standard 11.6x32mm profile and are compatible with convenient 11mm snap cap or aluminum seal closures. Aijiren Vials have a 40% larger opening than screrw vials for easier sample filling and to reduce the chance of bent or broken needles during sampling.

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11mm Snap Ring HPLC Vial pro SHIMADZU--Aijiren Phiale HPLC\/GC

11mm Snap Ring HPLC Vial pro SHIMADZU--Aijiren Phiale HPLC\/GC

Snap Cap phialas phialas latas ore faciles ad replendum et maiorem scopum aream praebent pro acus autosampler. Apta pluribus autosamplaribus, potest habere 12x32mm utrem specimen formatum, quale 33 dilatatum borosilicate speciei vitrei pelluciduli 1 (Typus A) vel 51A vitrum electri uniformiter et planum, et etiam aream pittaciam habere potest.

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11mm Snap Ring Sample Vial for Sale SHIMADZU-Aijiren 2ml

11mm Snap Ring Sample Vial for Sale SHIMADZU-Aijiren 2ml

11mm Snap Ring Sample Vial for Sale SHIMADZU 11mm crimp seal vial Shimadzu-Aijiren Crimp Vials Seal, AL Crimp, 11mm, PTFE/Sil., Silver, High Purity GC Septa 100/PK 501 311 $18.30 Seal, AL Crimp, 11mm, PTFE Disk, Silver 1000/CS 502 070 $103.40

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11mm vial for hplc Shimadzu-Aijiren Vials for HPLC

11mm vial for hplc Shimadzu-Aijiren Vials for HPLC

Crimper, HPLC Vial, 11mm Crimper manufacturer / supplier in China, offering 11mm Crimper for 11mm Crimp Caps Seals Ajrd11-W (Economy TYPE), Gc Plug for Shimadzu Gcs Thermolite Color Vial Tubular Bottle, 11mm Crimper

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