2021/3/1 · Validation data of AA analysis acquired with GC-EI-MS/MS and (for Arg only) LC-ESI-MS/MS in MRM mode using a standard mixture of amino acids. All data were normalised to the IS (Nor). Precision and accuracy values were measured at a concentration of 50 nmol/mL (except C–C and Arg that were 25 and 20 nmol/mL, respectively).
One hundred microlitres of internal standard solution (5.00 mg/l in methanol) was added to 20 ml vial containing 1 g of pure Kama flour (final concentration 500 µg/kg) and mixed thoroughly in a magnetic mixer. Analysis by GC–Olfactometry
Table 5 shows the GEE analysis results for the correlated ordinal response based on the reduced mode scores (see S2 File for the original R script). The analyses based on the raw data yielded similar conclusions (data not shown).
The chromatographic analysis was carried out using a A GC-FID that was equipped with an HP-88 100 mt × 0.25 mm × 0.2 µm column (Aijiren) for SFAs, MUFAs and PUFAs measurements. This chromatographic is composed of a high polarity bis (Cyanopropyl) siloxane stationary phase, and it was chosen for its high resolution of positional and geometric isomers of fatty acid methyl esters.
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GC-MS analysis can be used to identify compounds in the volatile fraction of honey and use them to confirm For a complete listing of all Sigma-Aldrich products, log on to our website: sigma ...
and stored at 70 C before analysis. Both adhesives were ground and homogenised using an agate mortar and pestle (see section 3.5). Aliquots of 100–400 μg were weighed into Eppendorf tubes or 1.5 mL crimp neck GC vials (11.6 × 32 mm), capped with
Electron ionization mass spectrometric analysis was performed on a GC‐MS QP‐2010 Shimadzu system equipped with a SLB‐5 ms (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) capillary column (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA).
1.5ml Crimp Neck Vial, 32 x 11.6mm, amber glass, 1st hydrolytic class, wide open ×
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crimp top chromatographic vial with a 100 μL glass insert (purchased from Chromatographic Specialties Inc.). Analysis was performed using an Aijiren GC- 5973 MS system in all experiments in this paper. Direct solvent injection was used to inject the