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Cole-Parmer PTFE Syringe Filters, Non-Sterile; 0.20 µm, 25 mm Diameter · Ideal for sterilization of gas and alcohols; cleaning acids, alkalies, and organic
Membrane syringe filter 0.22 micron sterile MCE PES PTFE PVDF RC CA GF Nylon syringe filters. $0.04-$0.06. / piece. 100 pieces. (Min. order). country-flag.
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By changing the pore sizes of filters, the interception of quinolone and macrolide antibiotics by hydrophobic-PTFE was not improved.
Our Hydrophobic PTFE Non-Sterile Syringe Filters are ideal for HPLC solvents and sample filtration; also a choice for filtration of chemical or hot air.
Robust hydrophobic PTFE syringe filters ensure cleaner sample extracts by removing interfering materials and fine particles prior to injection.
Polypropylene, nylon, and PTFE membranes are ideal for sample preparation and small volume chemical filtration.Syringe filters are attached to the end of a
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Micro Separations - Offering PTFE Syringe Filter, For Chemical, Diameter: 13 Mm at Rs 850/box in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. Also find PTFE Syringe Filters
Search for In Stock PTFE Syringe Filter for Filtration Turkey in the English version of Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a free online ecyclopedia and is the largest and most popular general reference work on the internet.
Tisch PTFE Syringe filters are effective for alkali, strong acid solvent, and organic solvent with strong chemical causticity filtration. 5.0 um, 13 mm,