Syringeless 13mm Syringe Filter Materials for Filtration
Syringe Filters –
Millex Syringe Filter, Durapore ® ( PVDF ), Non-sterile, 0.22 µm pore size, 13 mm diameter, Millex-GV Durapore ® ( PVDF ) membrane, hydrophilic SLGVV255F Millex-GV Filter, 0.22 µm, A 25 mm diameter sterile syringe filter with a 0.22 µm pore size hydrophilic PVDF membrane. Comes in a pack of 50. SLHVM25
Syringe and Syringeless Filters – Fisher Sci
Syringe and Syringeless Filters. Fisherbrand™ Non-sterile PTFE Syringe Filter. Designed for daily ro...